Nach 23 Jahren verabschiedet sich Mada von der Tierschutzarbeit bei Recal. Sie hat uns allen eine Mail geschrieben. Auch wenn wir es schon etwas länger wussten, uns fehlen nach nach all der gemeinsamen Zeit ein bisschen die Worte... Deshalb sagen wir dir einfach ganz herzlich DANKE! für das Retten, das Kümmern, das Päppeln, das Verarzten, das Vermitteln, das Organisieren, das Füttern, das Kämpfen, das Durchhalten...
Dear friends from FRIENDS FOR DOGS:
After so long time, this is time to say goodbye. All of you can imagine how painful is to say this for me.
I was fighting for 23 years, built RECAL when nothing exist before. Now, I feel tired and need to stop to take care of me and takes forces.
I have not enough words to show my gratitude to all of you for all these years supporting RECAL: fostering our dogs and cats, supporting with food and other necessary things, travelling by plane to take our animals, with donatives to take care of the animales for paying interventions…
Specially thanks to the adoptants. I have inside my heart all the images of our dogs and cats living a new life in Germany.
I found on the way, walking with you, hand by hand, big hearts, great people, friends. I never forgot this.
I hope you can continue supporting RECAL and the needed animals on the refuge, they need everyone of you.
A big DANKE to all of you. Always in my mind.
Nicole, about you, thanks so so much for all you did. Your work has been incredible. You got miracles on the Earth. I am proud to meet you in my life.
Always your friend,